Message to Trade Patners

Message to Trade Partners

Dear Trade Partners,

Warmest greetings from TRICHOLOGY UPDATE 2023 Mumbai.

It gives us immense pleasure on behalf of the organizing committee to invite your participation in the 5th National Conference of Hair & scalp disorders (TRICHOLOGY UPDATE)

We have organized in the past four highly successful national conferences of TRICHOLOGY UPDATE in 2015, 2016,  2017, 2018. We are very committed to continue the tradition of our stalwarts to organize a conference with top quality scientific program. The conference is scheduled to be held on 9-11th June 2023 at Mumbai.

A detailed list of sponsoring opportunity is enclosed for your kind perusal and consideration.

We are expecting more than 500 dermatologists, dermatosurgeons and plastic surgeons.

It is a unique opportunity for your organization to connect with upto to 500 leading dermatologists. The exhibition will open for the duration of the conference.

We look forward to your participation in this premier industry event, and to welcoming you at Trichology Update 2023.

Warm regards,